maandag 14 mei 2012

First post

Alright a new blog, and again also about yoga.... so what is different about this blog? Well to be honest, nothing. On this blog I am going to talk about my experiences with yoga and a vegetarian live. And I bet several others done the same thing.
Normally you could find me in in the gym three times a week. But no matter what I tried, it didn't result in the body I desired. Now don't take me wrong, I did hit the gym hard, changed my diet, gained strength but no body mass. And that was my main goal for going to the gym. 
And to be honest, I don't like pushing iron so I figured I'd better do something I like. Therefor I decided to pick up yoga. I hope to gain some extra strength, body mass, flexibility and a peace of mind. I'll try and keep a logbook of my physical growth and diet. 

Today I had my first class of yoga; vinyasa yoga at delight yoga, Amsterdam. And I knew yoga could be heavy, but nevertheless I was in a shock. The people showed great strength and control with shifting from position to position. I couldn't do all the positions, but I did my best and kept up with most positions.